Privacy & Terms knows that you care how information about you is collected and used. We take great pride in the relationships we have developed with our visitors and we are committed to treating personal information we obtain from you with care and respect. This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) is designed to inform you about our privacy policies and practices. This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Use published on our website.

The Privacy Policy applies to the personal information we collect when you visit's website where the Privacy Policy is posted. When we use the term “personal information,” we mean information that identifies a particular individual, such as the individual’s name, postal address, e-mail addresses, and telephone number. When other information (such as consumer preferences or demographic information) is directly associated with personal information, this other information is treated as personal information.

By visiting our website, you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy, you should not use our website.

We collect the following types of personal information through our website: 

We collect the personal information you actively provide when you use one of our website. We use the personal information you provide to deliver the products and services that you request, or to process purchases you have made on our website.

On our website, you might submit information about other people. For example, if you order a product or service and want to send it directly to the recipient, you must submit the recipient’s name and address. We use this information only to send the order and provide the service requested. Information Provided by Others.

From time to time, we may supplement the information you give us with information from third parties. For example, we may supplement your profile with demographic and preference data or we may correct mailing addresses by using public sources. We may also use this information to further personalize our website and improve your experience while you are on our website.

We collect information that is automatically sent to us by your web browser. This information typically includes your IP address; the name and version of your operating system; the name and version of your browser; the page you were visiting before you accessed our website; and the date and time of your visit. The information we receive depends on the settings of your browser. Please check your browser if you want to learn what information your browser sends or how to change your settings. Generally, we use this information to create statistics that help us improve our website and make them more compatible with the technology used by our visitors. This information is also used for marketing purposes and to improve your experience on the website.

We may collect IP addresses for purposes of system administration, to report traffic data to our corporate partners, and to audit the use of our website. Although the information provided by your browser does not identify you personally, this data can be combined with other data to personally identify you.

We also may use “cookies” as a method to gain dependable and consistent traffic data. A “cookie” is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We may use cookies to help us provide customizable services. Cookies may also be used by corporate partners on co-branded web pages. You can choose whether to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser. If you choose not to accept these cookies, your experience at our website and other websites may be diminished and some features will not work as intended.

We may hire other companies to place our banner ads on other websites. Those companies may perform tracking and reporting activities on the ads they serve for us, as well as user reaction. They would not collect any information other than IP addresses and behaviors associated with those IP addresses on our behalf, and we will not give any personal information to them. Third-party advertising servers are subject to their own privacy policies. Our service providers are bound by contract to keep your personal information confidential and use it only to perform services on our behalf.

DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION does not sell your personal information to outside marketers or advertisers. Under limited circumstances we may disclose the personal information we collect with outside parties for specific purposes. Those circumstances are described below along with some of the steps we take to limit the manner in which your personal information is used.

We may share your information with companies that provide support services to us (such as credit card processors, mailing houses, or web hosts,) or that help us market our products and services (such as email vendors). These companies may need information about you in order to perform their functions.  These companies are only authorized to use the personal information we share with them for the purpose of delivering the service we hire them to provide. In addition, we only disclose the information they need to provide the specific service or function. We will not sell your personal information to third party marketing or advertising firms.

Personal information collected on any of the website may also be shared with members of EWSRA. 

If some or all of the business assets of one of our companies or website are sold or transferred, we generally would transfer the corresponding information regarding our guests and customers to the acquiring business so that they can continue to operate the business, but your information would remain subject to this Policy.

In certain special cases, we may disclose your personal information when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to you, or someone else. We may also disclose your personal information when we believe the law requires it, or in response to any demand by law enforcement
authorities in connection with a criminal investigation, or civil or administrative authorities in connection with a pending civil case, administrative investigation or investigation conducted by EWSRA.

Our website contains direct links to website offered by third parties. Some of these website are authorized to use EWSRA brands or logos. Those third-party website are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Some of the websites may give you the option of sharing your thoughts, personal information, or skiing and snowboarding experiences automatically on their platforms. If you choose to share information with a third-party site such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, the information you choose to share on those website is not subject to this Privacy Policy. You should review the privacy policies of those websites to make an informed decision about whether to share your information on those websites. Further, you should review your account settings on those websites to ensure that you are comfortable sharing your information with the audience chosen in that account.

We will not knowingly collect personal information on our website from children under the age of 13 without the prior consent of the child’s parent or guardian. If you believe that a child under the age of 13 may have provided personal information to us without consent of the child’s parent or guardian, please contact us at

You may not make purchases on our website if you are under the age of 13. The website are not directed to individuals under the age of 13, nor do they contain information which would be potentially harmful to minors in any way. However, we advise all visitors to the website under the age of 13 not to disclose or provide any personally identifiable information. In the event that EWSRA discovers that a child under the age of 13 has provided personally identifiable information to us, we will delete the child’s personally identifiable information in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Section 230 (d), as amended, we hereby notify you that parental control protections are commercially available to assist you in limiting access to material that is harmful to minors. More information on the availability of such software can be found through publicly available sources. You may wish to contact your Internet Service Provider for more information.

Please see the Federal Trade Commission’s website for this act for more information.

HOW WE PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION has appropriate physical, technological, and organizational safeguards and security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal information under our control. However, it is important that you understand that no website or database is completely secure, or “hacker proof.” You can reduce many risks by using up to date antivirus software.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, by posting the revised Privacy Policy on our website. The changes will only apply to the personal information we collect after we have posted the revised Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to check this website for updates as you will be bound by them if you choose to visit our website.

Visitors Who Access Our Website From Outside the United States

Our website and databases may be hosted on Web servers located in the United States or other countries. We share the personal information we collect with our third-party service providers, and others around the world as described in this Privacy Policy. When we transfer your personal information to another country, we will take appropriate measures to protect your privacy and personal information. By using one of our website, you are consenting to the transfer of your personal information to any country in the world in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The website are U.S. website and are governed by U.S. law. If you do not wish to consent to U.S. law or this Privacy Policy, you should not share information with us or use our website.

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of our website, please contact 

This Privacy Policy was updated on July 2, 2024, and is effective as of that date.


(c) 2023, EWSRA PO Box 88 White Haven, PA 18661
570-443-7180 / Fax: 570-300-2715

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Terms
Ski Resort Websites and Marketing by nxtConcepts